Chocolate Fudge


We visited the Taj Exotica in Goa earlier this year and had such a great time enjoying every single bit of dessert, confectionary or pastry we tried, we just had to meet the genius Pastry Chef and hoped that he’d share a recipe or two with us.

While he did share some fantastic stories and recipes, we thought today we’d share the brilliant, simple, and perfect for Christmas & Halloween, fudge recipe he gave us.

Chocolate Fudge


1 can Condensed Milk
450 grams Chocolate

50 g Coffee
90-120 ml Alcohol such as Rum, Cointreau, Gran Marnier, Whiskey (anything you like really)
Dry fruits, as much as desired


Use a double boiler to melt the chocolate along with the condensed milk. Stir till smoothly mixed in. Add your optional ingredients at this stage. Spread the fudge evenly on a plastic covered baking sheet or a flat plate. Cover with cling wrap on top. Let it set for 6-7 hours in a cool, dry place. No need for refrigeration. Cut the fudge into shapes you like and dip into chocolate. Or make fudge balls and roll them in cocoa powder or chocolate or chopped nuts or even shredded coconut.


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